There are different ways in which you can touch base with the web hosting company whose services you’re using, but the one that you will invariably find no matter which company you choose is a ticketing system. It’s the least complicated form of communication for several reasons. In case no client support staff representative is free at the moment and they’re all engaged, a phone call may not be answered, but a ticket will always hit home. Moreover, you can copy/paste large bits of information without needing to worry about typing errors, and if a certain issue needs more time to be fixed or a number of responses need to be exchanged, all the info will be in the same place, so either party can always follow the steps taken by the other one. The drawback of using tickets to get in touch with your web hosting provider is that they’re typically separate from the web hosting platform, which goes to say that if you have to provide information or to adhere to guidelines, you will have to use no less than 2 separate systems and this number might grow in case you desire to manage a couple of domains. Additionally, a lot of hosting providers respond to tickets after hours, or even once in every 24 hours, and for you as a customer, this means wasted time while waiting for a response.
Integrated Ticketing System in Shared Web Hosting
In contrast to what you may find with many other hosting companies, the trouble ticket system that we’re using with our Linux shared web hosting is an indivisible part of the Hepsia Control Panel, which comes with all accounts. You won’t need to memorize several sign-in names and passwords, since you’ll be able to manage both your tickets and the hosting account itself from a single location. So, in case you’ve got an enquiry or face a difficulty, you can contact our help desk staff on the spur of the moment. Our ticketing system comes with an intelligent search mechanism. This implies that even in case you’ve posted an enormous number of tickets over the years, you’ll be able to track down the one that you want without difficulties. You can also check knowledge base tips for tackling commonly encountered issues.
Integrated Ticketing System in Semi-dedicated Hosting
The Hepsia hosting Control Panel, which comes with all our Linux semi-dedicated hosting, was developed with one aim in mind – that you should be able to manage everything related to your semi-dedicated account from one single place and the support tickets aren’t an exception. Our ticketing system is integrated into the Hepsia Control Panel, so, in case you have an inquiry or come across a predicament, you can get in touch with our client care team members instantaneously without needing to go through a totally different system. You can look through your web files or check various account settings while you send a new ticket or read the response to an old one. If you have a lot of tickets and you wish to track down a particular one, you can resort to the smart search functionality, which is available in the Help section of the Hepsia Control Panel. We guarantee that you will receive an answer in less than sixty minutes irrespective of the essence of your inquiry or issue.